No Man's An Island by Richard Mitchell (with cast list)

A much applauded production of Richard Mitchell's play,

NO MAN'S AN ISLAND, was a premiere performance

at the Old Fire Station Arts Centre in Oxford, England, in August/S 2018 September.

Further work, together with our colleagues in California, include a new musical, OH SUSANNA, to be written, composed, rehearsed and performed again in Oxford at the earliest possible date.

The following were the professional performers in



HENRY HIGGINS (and mandolin)                      LUKE CASCONE

 BLACKSHIRT 1                                              ALLAN WEBB

 BLACKSHIRT 2                                              KRAGE BROWN

 FOUR POETS                                                 GERARD ROBINSON

                                                                     DEIRDRE KINCAID

                                                                     RICHARD WARD

                                                                     NICOLA BORTHWICK

 GENE TUNNEY                                                KIERAN DONNELLY

 POLLY TUNNEY                                               JENNY JOHNS

 TESS                                                             NICOLA BORTHWICK

 CHARLOTTE SHAW                                          DEIRDRE KINCAID

 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW                                MICHAEL E. CURRAN

 GIUSEPPE                                                      STEPHEN REES

 FABRIZIO                                                       GERARD ROBINSON

 KATERINA                                                       JENNY JOHNS

 DR A.W. MEYER                                               RICHARD WARD

 DR LENZ                                                         STEPHEN REES

 DR FRITZ MEYER                                             THOMAS BEWLEY